Temple of Dancing Wholeness
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Temple of Dancing Wholeness
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Full Moon & Election Decompression Dance
Tuesday Nov. 8th
6:30-8:30pm PT
Temescal neighborhood, Oakland, CA
(address sent upon registration)
Wondrous Women: You are invited to join us!
Cloudy or clear, we'll be howling at the full moon, tapping into the magic and mystery of her presence to deepen our dance!
Come celebrate the fullness of life~
Decompress from the election~
And dance in Temple Dara while we still can~
Bring your intentions, prayers and move what you need to move~
Spaciously facilitated~
Beginner and experienced dancers welcome~How and if you move is up to you~
Stillness, journaling, rest, meditation, stretching all welcome~
Think of this as a deep self-care ritual~
NEW EXPERIMENT IN COVID PROTOCOLS: Same-day home covid test still required for entry (and no symptoms of illness of any kind). Vaccination no longer required. Masks optional.
As always, I'm trying to navigate the murky waters of covid safety with running successful and inclusive events! Please let me know if you're not coming because of this change. Your feedback helps me stay in touch with what the community wants. Thank you!
- Advance registration required (you're only "registered" after you compete steps 1 & 2 below). Attendance limited.
- Payment is sliding scale, and required to hold your spot: $20-50.
- Address will be sent via email upon registration (location is Temescal District, Oakland, CA).
- Size is limited to approx 15 women in 1800sf space with lots of open windows and air flow.
- Masks are optional (for all, some, or none of the time).
The intangible magic that gets created when women gather to honor the mysteries of life through community, music, dance and ritual!
A sense of profound presence that is difficult to express in words because it touches the ancient and current power, tenderness and mystery of your body/soul journey.
- Coming together.
- Guidelines given.
- Body meditation & ritual induction.
- Naming intentions & prayers.
- Beautiful musical journey with spacious guidance for at-your-own-pace free-form movement (or stillness or journaling).
- Integration, relaxation & completion together.Step 1: Sign Up
Fill out the form below. You should receive an email confirmation right away!
If form below is not loading, try a different browser (we know Chrome works)!
Step 2: Sliding Scale Payment
Sliding scale $20 - $50.
Because space is so limited, payment is required to hold your spot.
A portion of the proceeds to go scholarships
for women in need to join the upcoming dance circle series.
Thank you!
What Women Are Saying
About the Temple Dancing Experience:
"As I danced, goddesses whispered in my ears… filling my skin with self-knowing… reminding me who I am from the outside in, and from the inside out." ~Karen
"When I dance in the temple, I notice I am more embodied in my everyday - at work, at home, on the hiking trail - more likely to shake it off and out, to stretch, to walk tall, to make eye contact... it nourishes my inner life and offers a place to connect." ~Mona
"I go into this inner cocoon of rhythm and I dance whatever needs to be expressed without caring about how I must look. This is how I want to show up in the world - courageously expressing what needs to be expressed without worrying about what will people think." ~Nicole
All images and text copyright © 2025 Temple Arts Institute LLC.
All rights reserved. "Body Mystik", "Open Temple" and "Temple Arts Institute"
are service marks of Temple Arts Institute LLC.
Photos by:
Lori Cheung, The PortraitPhotographer.com
Heather Munro Pierce